Sacro Cuore (Haringey)

Sacro Cuore is a project born in partnership with the same owners of Santa Maria. The two locations, this is the one located in Crouch End (north of London) are fundamentally identical in terms of look and food offer. Two medium-sized restaurants, which come to about forty seats each, with simple furnishings, mainly based on a massive use of wood. The pizza menu is also simple, basically unchanged since its opening: it is based on the great classics and then offers the customer the opportunity to add ingredients to their pizzas for a surcharge, as is the tradition of many London pizzerias.

The choice of starters and desserts on the menu is also quite essential. The pizza is raditional and without frills, but even if it matches all the canons of a good Neapolitan pizza, it lacks that extra boost in flavors to be truly satisfying.

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